Premium Datencheck
Für Deine Extrawurst
5 reviews
7.596+ Personen
lieben unsere
hochwertigen Merchandise-Produkte
hochwertigen Merchandise-Produkte
kleine Qualitätskontrolle Deiner Druckdaten
durchgeführt von Profis
absolute Gelingsicherheit
Auf Lager In ca. 3-4 Tagen bei Dir Zuhause
100% Made
with LOVE
Versand ab 49€
While we are creating the print data, your design will go through a print data check. Do you prefer to stay with the music and leave the design to those who can? That's okay! Here you can see what happens to your design and what extras you get with a data check upgrade:
- spelling correction
- Adjusting the size of the print data
- color adjustments
- Check and correct color space
- Check and correct image resolution
- Vectorization of the data
- Cropping Images
- proof incl. Customer approval before production
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